
Below are, five poems of mine, in peer-reviewed poetry journals/newsletters. I will update the list as new entries come along.

  1. Gunawardana D. (2018) ‘Monkeys’ and ‘Goldilocks’. American Journal of Poetry (http://www.theamericanjournalofpoetry.com/v4-gunawardana.html)
  2. Gunawardana D. (2018) ‘The last male northern white rhino’.  Canary Literary Magazine. (http://canarylitmag.org/archive_by_issue.php?issue=42#745)
  3. Gunawardana D. (2020) ‘Blue Whales’. Cordite Poetry Review. http://cordite.org.au/poetry/earth/blue-whales/ 
  4. Gunawardana, D. (2023) ”DNA Helix”. IOB Newsletter 3:3; Page 37 (August 2023). https://heyzine.com/flip-book/729869c09f.html#page/37
  5. Gunawardana, D. (2023) “Kingfishers”. IOB Newsletter 3:4; Page 40 (December 2023). https://heyzine.com/flip-book/c20b649bc6.html#page/40